Hi everyone! My name is Ashlyn and I want to start by saying thank you for being here. Cheers & Chapters is basically my baby and I’m so excited to share this journey with you. I have been wanting to start this for a very long time, but honestly I didn’t know the way I wanted to do it and I was scared. It didn’t come to me until I was mid-quarantine sitting at my computer writing, having a margarita, and listening to music. It hit me that I could make this my place to give recommendations on everything that I’m passionate about. I want to recommend books, drinks, music, movies and more. Basically all the things that I tell my friends about insistently. Before I turn it over to the real stuff I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me in getting here. I would not have had the courage to start this without that love and now without further ado, welcome to Cheers and Chapters. I am so excited to share this novel as my first book here. Between Grit and Grace was a very powerful read. I am working on my thesis this semester that is an in-depth analysis looking into a collection of novels written by career women and how they balance their lives from different types of responsibilities like child rearing, the corporate ladder, leaning in and more. I have read a few books in this genre, but I loved the viewpoints that Dr. Schillcutt brought to it. I know in my personal life I’ve always struggled with seeing my future as a career woman while wanting to also pursue motherhood and other passions. However, I love this quote that Dr. Schillcutt wrote, “as we become more authentic, as we dare to advocate for ourselves we can also educate others by openly discussing our gender biases”. I love that sentiment because I have openly discussed my thoughts on this subject with my roommates, sorority sisters or girlfriends, but I’ve never spoken about this in depth with a member of the opposite sex. This concept has resonated with me. I don’t think that the men in my life would think that in 2020 I am still worried about being a woman in the corporate world or balancing wanting a family with my career goals. I just believe that it’s possible that sometimes we assume that we have moved beyond those things, but even my friends and I are proof that maybe we aren’t speaking as openly about it as we should be. Another topic that I appreciated was when Dr. Schillcutt wrote about prioritizing yourself. I am also personally quite bad at this and have spent a couple years dedicating a conscious effort to listen to myself and give myself time to breathe. Dr. Schillcutt wrote, “you are not required to set yourself on fire to keep everyone else warm”. I now want this quote tattooed on my wrist so I won’t forget it because it’s so true. I tend to blur the line between helping others to the best of my ability while giving myself grace and sacrificing so much of myself in order to do so. I think this is true for all of us and women especially. We love to nurture and help others and sometimes at our own expense. I am so grateful that I read this book when I did even though I believe the target audience is a little bit further in their professional and personal lives than I am. The advice I have taken from Between Grit and Grace is invaluable and has motivated me as a woman heading into the corporate world. Dr. Schillcutt founded Brave Enough, a platform for support and love and resources for women just like Sasha and her colleagues. I highly suggest taking a peek at the website and looking at all the community has to offer. Click here to view it https://www.becomebraveenough.com/. “There is only one you. Only one person who can lead and live in your space with your talents and characteristics and the lethal combination of grit, grace, ideas and lip gloss.”
Cheers FactorEach book here at Cheers&Chapters is rated based off of certain categories that are genre specific, however every book will get a Cheers Factor. The Cheers Factor is how much we wanted to raise our glass while reading it. So get your glasses ready and cheers! Archives
October 2022